Prof. Dr. Marko Milojković
Prof. Dr. Marko Milojković was born in 1980 in Niš, Republic of Serbia. He obtained his academic degrees at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: BSc in 2003, MSc in 2008, and PhD in 2012. Presently he is employed as Associate Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Control Systems. He is also head of Laboratory for Modelling, Simulation and Control Systems. During his academic career, he was teaching over fifteen different academic courses and wrote more than 100 scientific papers for journals and conferences, mainly in his areas of interest: modeling and simulation of dynamical systems, intelligent control, artificial inteligence, machine learning, inteligent data analysis. He participated in more than twenty different domestic and international projects (Tempus, FP7, IPA, Erasmus).