Assoc. Prof. Dr. Altin Idrizi
Altin Idrizi has graduated in University of National and World Economics in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2000 and received his MA in Economics – Finance. In 2011 he received his PhD in Economics from the Department of Finance of the University of National and World Economics in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has attended various postgraduate qualification courses where the most important are “Operational and Documentary Management of International Trade” – 6-month specialization course organized by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain and “Legal Finance – Economic Expertise”- 3-month specialization course organized by the National Centre for Vocational Training, General Cantor for the performance of legal expertise in the field of finance and accounting, Sofia, Bulgaria during 2009. Since 2004 he has been full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”. He is currently the Head of Finance and Accounting Department at this faculty. He has held the positions of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Vice Rector of the University. He also lectures at University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria in English and Bulgarian, as well as at many other public and private universities. He has many publications in the field of finance, banking and remittances including 4 university textbooks as well as numerous references and participation in various national and international conferences. Altin has been involved and has coordinated several European Union funded projects in the last 5 years such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus + etc.