
Kickoff Meeting with students at the University of Montenegro

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Montenegro started a course for students in the field of Service Related Competences. Within the course, students will be introduced with the concept of entrepreneurship, all stages in development of the successful business idea with a special focus on creativity, flexibility, communication skills and teamwork. In addition,


Meeting of Partners @ EVIVA

The #EVIVA research team members from the Universities “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (Институт за социолошки и политичко-правни истражувања-УКИМ Скопје) and Universiteti “Nënë Tereza” në Shkup had a fruitful meeting with the representatives of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility, where they exchanged useful information about the #Erasmus+ project activities and results.


Meeting of EVIVA partners in Kosovo

Meeting of Kolegji Universum dhe Universiteti “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan staff about the project “Enhancing and Validating Service-Related Competencies in Versatile Learning environments in Western Balk at Universities (E-VIVA). This project is funded by the Erasmus+ program by #EuropeanCommission and is being implemented in collaboration with 12 partner universities from Europe